A few months ago, Laci Green, a popular sex ed extraordinaire and feminist, made a video where she explains false rape claims and how they are to be dealt with. Honestly, I felt she did a pretty good job talking about the matter. The internet on the other hand doesn't agree with me. The video was blasted with dislikes, with ignorant detractors, blatant misogynists, rape apologists, and just the typical anti-feminist crowd took to the comments just to berate the poor woman for simply explaining the truth about the situation. A "meme" also started called #LaciGreenRapedMe, where we're supposed to make a mockery of a real problem of rape victims not being believed. The reactions to the video infuriated me to no end, and I felt more compelled to give my own piece to this.
So how did false rape claims get started in the first place? False rape claims had arisen during times of segregation and slavery. Many times, black slaves were falsely accused to raping a woman out of nowhere. And as a result, they were lynched, flogged, and even shot. So false rape claims actually got their kicks by being a form a racism. However, at that time, a majority of rapes were black women, who were also slaves. So whilst these men's wives were having their purity stripped from them, they themselves were being framed for crimes they never did. Did social connotations for false rape claims ever evolve? Not a bloody chance.
Nowadays, false rape claims are blown WAY out of proportion by men's groups as another part of their war against women. Let me get this out of the way right now. I do not condone lying about rape, and plenty of feminists don't either. We feel it is insulting to the real rape victims who've been cheated by the legal system. But the biggest problem I have with this situation is that men's groups treat false rape claims like they're the worst thing ever when that's so obviously not the case. This position has attacked feminists many times as a way to make us seem evil or incredulous. Here's the thing though, feminists don't neglect to shift all focus on false rape claims because we want to take the piss out of A Voice for Men and Return of Kings. We don't shift focus to it because false rape claims are already taken very seriously to start with. A false claim is classified as perjury, and anyone who does this can be hit with a hefty fine or incarceration. Referring to my first blog post, actual rapists can sometimes walk free despite being completely responsible for the crime. As the old saying goes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Now let's get into the meat of things. We're gonna look at some facts. The amount of false rape claims that are actually reported stand at a low 2%-8%. You are more likely to be raped than you are to be framed for it. But what the statistics don't show you are that reported rape cases that receive no evidence are deemed as false. I remember reading months ago about an Ohio sheriff eliminating rape kits because "most of the rapes we got were false". He had no real evidence other than anecdotal bollocks. Some might bring up retroactive rape claims, where a woman has sex with a guy, regrets it, and then says he raped her. What they don't realise is that when someone is raped, let's go with a woman here, the incident is very hard to prove. Evidence of such is not easy to get because the perpetrator is often someone they know and they'll often blackmail the victim into staying quiet about it. This situation is far more likely to happen than a false rape claim, so it's more humane to believe the victim.
But what about the effects of a false rape accusation, you might ask? Do I not care about some guy's life being ruined? Let's not count anything out. If you're framed for something you didn't do, you have my undivided sympathy. But wait. Most accused men have a recorded history of being aggressive towards women, physically or sexually. So these things aren't easy to combat on the spot. Sure, that doesn't necessarily mean it's okay to lie about something he did, but my point still stands. And really, asking for proof can pretty much apply to any crime. And if we're gonna say that everything must be a hoax because evidence isn't brought to the forefront almost immediately then that defeats the purpose of rape investigations in the first place. Here's a tip: if the accused is coming off more casual than the accuser, then there's a pretty big chance the rape isn't false.
So what can be done about it? Firstly, do not treat this as though it's worse than actually getting raped. It really isn't, and it makes you look like an arsehole. What we should do is pay close attention and look at both sides. When enough has been shown to draw a decent conclusion, then we can start talking about whether or not the situation was dealt with fairly.
Hm, I'm really having trouble ending this on a good note. Oh well, bye.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Thursday, September 22, 2016
You Can't Hit Me, I'm A Feminist!
I've seen way too many people talk about this, and the kind of answers I get from it discomfort me to say the least. What could I possibly be referring to here, you may ask? It's the "hitting girls" argument. The fact that it's even an argument should tell you how bad it's gotten.
It usually goes like this. You bring up the fact that you're a feminist. You talk about how you think women should have the same rights, freedoms, opportunities, and accessibilities as men. Granted, feminism has somewhat evolved past meaning that and has now become a liberation movement, but I digress. The man you're telling this to will sometimes say this little nugget: "But does that mean we're allowed to hit you?"
Yep, that's how it goes. They don't care about shit like equal pay or body autonomy. The only thing they had on their mind was whether or not they were allowed to punch a girl in the face and not see repercussions.
This bothers me for several reasons. Me being a woman takes priority there. But no, there's more to it. Let's start off with how from day one you're generally told to keep your hands to yourself. That hitting people isn't a nice thing to do. You wouldn't want to discuss that so badly unless you were this pugnacious jerk-off who can't feel good unless he's inflicted physical damage upon another person. And I say "he" because it's mostly guys who act this way and bring this thing up. Yeah sure, not all men and what not but that still doesn't change the fact that there's more negatives than positives.
If you're trying to break the stereotype that men are violent, always jumping to the "equality means we can hit girls" bollocks is not the way to go. In fact, you're inadvertently perpetuating violence against women. No, not violence against people, against women. There's a reason why violence against women is treated as seriously as it is. Now you're probably thinking "what about violence against men?" Here's the difference. Assaults are almost always carried out by men, be the victim male or female. When the victim is male, the murder is hardly ever attributed to his gender, but rather being in the wrong place at the wrong time. When the victim is female, the motives usually involve her being female. Women are perceived to be weak and easy to attack. Not helping is how men are taught to defend themselves and women are told that whatever they're wearing or how late they stay out is attributing to their risk of being attacked. In other words, she was asking for it.
The problem is that men are already hitting us, we kinda want you to stop.
I actually stumbled upon a picture that does state my point pretty well.
You might ask "then what's the point of women's self-defence classes?" Well just because you can protect yourself doesn't mean you want to get hit every second of your life. A soldier knows how to use guns but they still don't want to use them all the time. And even then that's beside the point. In fact, scratch that, it adds on to our point. You're pretty much saying women should just deal with men being violent. You know, that thing you claim "not all men are"?
There's nothing cool or funny about women and feminists getting "rekt" because some alpha male douchebag punched her in the face. I don't mean to be cliched here but if any female you care about had the shit beat out of her, would you run up to her and say "oh but if you were a man who was beat up by women everyone would be happy". Whilst we're on that subject, the main reason why women hitting men isn't treated like it's a pandemic is because 9/10 recorded cases of women hitting men were done so in self-defence. Another thing, why do men need reassurance that they can beat up girls? Insecurity perhaps, or maybe it's just toxic masculinity at play.
Men don't need to have the right to hit a woman. Do as your mum told you, and keep your hands to yourself.
The problem is that men are already hitting us, we kinda want you to stop.
I actually stumbled upon a picture that does state my point pretty well.
There's nothing cool or funny about women and feminists getting "rekt" because some alpha male douchebag punched her in the face. I don't mean to be cliched here but if any female you care about had the shit beat out of her, would you run up to her and say "oh but if you were a man who was beat up by women everyone would be happy". Whilst we're on that subject, the main reason why women hitting men isn't treated like it's a pandemic is because 9/10 recorded cases of women hitting men were done so in self-defence. Another thing, why do men need reassurance that they can beat up girls? Insecurity perhaps, or maybe it's just toxic masculinity at play.
Men don't need to have the right to hit a woman. Do as your mum told you, and keep your hands to yourself.
Friday, September 16, 2016
Has Motherhood Lost Its Way?
Everyone loves their mummy (to the Americans in my audience, I'm saying mommy), no matter how old we are, no matter how tough we are. Mothers just have that love that is unmatched. I love my mum very much, she has inspired me to do many things, and that pursuing your dream is for sure worth it. But one frighteningly disturbing thing I'm seeing is many stories and videos of mothers dissenting into villainy. Beating their children, killing them sometimes, and many misogynists are using this as an opportunity to diminish the role of motherhood in family life and exonerate fathers as pretty much gods. This could lead to the reversion of a 1950's nuclear family, but worse.
Now to be clear, I'm not against fathers. I know and love my father all the same. But I refuse to make acceptable the idea that mothers are always powerless. Now of course a married couple is much more fit to raise children. One is the loneliest number you'll ever do, but two is also the loneliest number since one. Music references aside, a married couple isn't always an ideal one now is it? If it was, domestic abuse wouldn't be a thing. And single motherhood is pretty much looked at like it's the worst thing ever. Single mothers are constantly bedeviled for raising a child or two on their own, even if she's doing a fine job at it. Single fathers on the other hand, are praised and respected for their bravery. But why though? Patriarchy. Of fucking course it's patriarchy.
Single mothers are pretty much hard evidence a wage gap exists. Women get lower wages and thereby live in working class areas, giving the impression that they're not fit to parent. But that's just money. Finances don't dictate a child friendly environment, seeing as most abusive parents turn out to be desert driller rich.
What's the answer to how single mothers should be able to raise kids to be well groomed adults? According to Jeb Bush, they just need to "get married". In essence, the same type of bullshit that MGTOWers think like is endorsed by a Senator of the Republican party in the United States Government. Go figure.
Now that I live in America, I want to make sure that when the time comes that I'll be a parent, my parenting skills won't have to be attributed to my marital status. Not just for me, but for any woman who is no longer married because of whatever the circumstance. Single mothers can be just as useful as married mothers.
Back to abusive parents, there's this idea floating around that states the majority of child abusers are women. Except, NOPE. Around 64% of abusive parents are fathers, and 27% are mothers. Granted the number of abusive mothers is still high, but that still doesn't change the fact that them being the majority is a lie. Let's educate ourselves a bit.
First thing, feminists dedicate a lot of their time to rehabilitating mothers who've fallen from grace. One of our main goals is restore motherhood to the pinnacle of which it can be. How many MRAs have spent time going after abusive fathers? None that I've seen. Paul Elam? Nope. Roosh V? Not happening. Stefan Molyneux? In your dreams. They're all too busy trying to make rape legal, or at least convince men that women always want it. These men's groups cry day in and day out about divorces being biased towards women, which I'll get to, yet never once do anything about it. That would of course mean being an actual activist. Another thing that goes unaccounted for is inequalities that exist with parenting methods. A father who spanks his children is usually seen as just a normal parent dishing out an effective discipline method. A mother spanking her children is seen as a child beating monster who should have her parenting licence revoked. Essentially, strict parenting is ok for dads but terrible for mums. This is mostly down to stereotypes that dictate that a man is allowed to use force because he's big and strong and macho and what not. A woman must be delicate and all sunshine and flowers. A record also states that most mothers who abuse their children are often abused by their husbands as well, so the torment just carries on from one recipient to the next.
Guess what men? It all comes back to you.
Next I wanna tell you about parental rights. Men's groups would like to have you believe that fathers are just in eternal damnation because of them gosh darn custody laws being "unfavourable". This is not true at all. But first, is it fair that a man who ditches the mother of his child is lauded by his peers for "dodging a bullet" but a woman who gets an abortion is deemed a murderer? Irrelevant your opinion on abortion, ditching your "baby mama" is never a good thing to do. It shows you never cared about the woman you slept with and instead just want to score with as many women your ego demands you to. Men who abandon their families deserve to pay the child support they apparently become slaves to. And if you refuse to pay or try to make it look like you're the victim, you're a fucking coward. There are legitimate reasons for abortion, like a rape baby. There is no excuse for just up and leaving a woman who's pregnant with your child. Now, custody laws may LOOK like they favour mums, when in reality it's just an illusion. Mums are more likely to win child custody due to the amount of time they spend with the kids. However, this is mainly down to the fact that men often don't want to have custody and instead prefer to sign away their parental rights. 50% of men who actually fight to gain custody will receive it. And this also accounts for men who have good lawyers and aren't really fit to parent but still have an arsewagon of cash to burn. In other words, it's still up a man's word either way.
So has motherhood become toxic, destructive, and a shell of what it used to be? Not quite. Our young women are being told all the time that they're not that important, and their lives belong to their husbands upon cutting the cake. By coming together and telling young women the importance of motherhood, we can end negative stigma around single mothers and create a safer environment for mothers of any kind.
Now to be clear, I'm not against fathers. I know and love my father all the same. But I refuse to make acceptable the idea that mothers are always powerless. Now of course a married couple is much more fit to raise children. One is the loneliest number you'll ever do, but two is also the loneliest number since one. Music references aside, a married couple isn't always an ideal one now is it? If it was, domestic abuse wouldn't be a thing. And single motherhood is pretty much looked at like it's the worst thing ever. Single mothers are constantly bedeviled for raising a child or two on their own, even if she's doing a fine job at it. Single fathers on the other hand, are praised and respected for their bravery. But why though? Patriarchy. Of fucking course it's patriarchy.
Single mothers are pretty much hard evidence a wage gap exists. Women get lower wages and thereby live in working class areas, giving the impression that they're not fit to parent. But that's just money. Finances don't dictate a child friendly environment, seeing as most abusive parents turn out to be desert driller rich.
What's the answer to how single mothers should be able to raise kids to be well groomed adults? According to Jeb Bush, they just need to "get married". In essence, the same type of bullshit that MGTOWers think like is endorsed by a Senator of the Republican party in the United States Government. Go figure.
Now that I live in America, I want to make sure that when the time comes that I'll be a parent, my parenting skills won't have to be attributed to my marital status. Not just for me, but for any woman who is no longer married because of whatever the circumstance. Single mothers can be just as useful as married mothers.
Back to abusive parents, there's this idea floating around that states the majority of child abusers are women. Except, NOPE. Around 64% of abusive parents are fathers, and 27% are mothers. Granted the number of abusive mothers is still high, but that still doesn't change the fact that them being the majority is a lie. Let's educate ourselves a bit.
First thing, feminists dedicate a lot of their time to rehabilitating mothers who've fallen from grace. One of our main goals is restore motherhood to the pinnacle of which it can be. How many MRAs have spent time going after abusive fathers? None that I've seen. Paul Elam? Nope. Roosh V? Not happening. Stefan Molyneux? In your dreams. They're all too busy trying to make rape legal, or at least convince men that women always want it. These men's groups cry day in and day out about divorces being biased towards women, which I'll get to, yet never once do anything about it. That would of course mean being an actual activist. Another thing that goes unaccounted for is inequalities that exist with parenting methods. A father who spanks his children is usually seen as just a normal parent dishing out an effective discipline method. A mother spanking her children is seen as a child beating monster who should have her parenting licence revoked. Essentially, strict parenting is ok for dads but terrible for mums. This is mostly down to stereotypes that dictate that a man is allowed to use force because he's big and strong and macho and what not. A woman must be delicate and all sunshine and flowers. A record also states that most mothers who abuse their children are often abused by their husbands as well, so the torment just carries on from one recipient to the next.
Guess what men? It all comes back to you.
Next I wanna tell you about parental rights. Men's groups would like to have you believe that fathers are just in eternal damnation because of them gosh darn custody laws being "unfavourable". This is not true at all. But first, is it fair that a man who ditches the mother of his child is lauded by his peers for "dodging a bullet" but a woman who gets an abortion is deemed a murderer? Irrelevant your opinion on abortion, ditching your "baby mama" is never a good thing to do. It shows you never cared about the woman you slept with and instead just want to score with as many women your ego demands you to. Men who abandon their families deserve to pay the child support they apparently become slaves to. And if you refuse to pay or try to make it look like you're the victim, you're a fucking coward. There are legitimate reasons for abortion, like a rape baby. There is no excuse for just up and leaving a woman who's pregnant with your child. Now, custody laws may LOOK like they favour mums, when in reality it's just an illusion. Mums are more likely to win child custody due to the amount of time they spend with the kids. However, this is mainly down to the fact that men often don't want to have custody and instead prefer to sign away their parental rights. 50% of men who actually fight to gain custody will receive it. And this also accounts for men who have good lawyers and aren't really fit to parent but still have an arsewagon of cash to burn. In other words, it's still up a man's word either way.
So has motherhood become toxic, destructive, and a shell of what it used to be? Not quite. Our young women are being told all the time that they're not that important, and their lives belong to their husbands upon cutting the cake. By coming together and telling young women the importance of motherhood, we can end negative stigma around single mothers and create a safer environment for mothers of any kind.
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Misandry: Sirius Bizness
You ever been hanging out with your friends or browsing the web on various social networks or those meme pages and you come across the occasional sexist joke that demeans women in some way? You know what I'm talking about here, the women in the kitchen jokes, the make me a sandwich rubbish, and the classic "a woman with 2 black eyes has been told twice". It just grinds your gears till the machinery requires maintenance don't it?
When you call these people out, they'll more than likely retort with the following:
"Relax, we're just joking"
"You girls take everything so seriously"
"I don't actually think that you know"
"Lighten up"
But by god if your brittle minded feminine arse dares to make a joke at men's expense, you're greeted with such:
Don't say you've never seen such. Because I know you have.
Reverse sexism is pretty much another anti-feminist campaign to further powder MRAs' diapers and safeguard their precious fee-fees. The term just has no real meaning anymore, not like it ever did. It's just another deterrent of feminism so these "alpha male" douchebags can continue their misogynistic frat boy ways.
I distinctly remember deliberately trolling r/MensRights on Reddit for posting a meme about male rape. I was sent multiple death threats, got called a cunt an ample amount of times, and overall got the reaction I expected. Hilariously enough, there were plenty of memes and posts that were in earnest trying to preach that only women are to blame for being raped or abused. The reverse sexism card stems from the "double standards of humour". For example, take a photo like this:
You'd probably see this captioned by some meninist saying "Now watch how much outrage there'd be if it said no women allowed".
You know what? You're right. I wouldn't like it. Why? Because you've taken so many jabs at misogyny and treated it like a joke, said things like "she's just begging to get raped with those clothes on", "women get paid less cuz they suck at working", "make me a sandwich cunt", and god knows what else. And now suddenly here you are demanding that we be "equal" all because you're the one on the receiving end of discrimination. That doesn't make you funny, it makes you a spineless little dipshit who can't take his lumps when they're beginning to bud.
PSA to all jokesters out there: if you're white, don't go around verbally bitch slapping women, minorities, and gays with your rude humour and then suddenly decide you don't find that kind of comedy funny when the tables turn. That's just disrespectful. I myself can handle some darker humour every now and then, hell I've even gotten some laughs out of some rape jokes. But one thing I will not stand for is if humour on an offenciveness basis only goes one way.
Now I could conclude it here, but there's one more thing I want to showcase. This was found on Twitter when #masculinitysofragile was making the rounds:
Yes people. Your eyes aren't playing tricks on you. These macho crass men here are legit in sexually oriental hell over the colour of a bloody iPhone model. Ignoring that you could just simply not buy the iPhone in that particular colour, I don't think homosexuality is the biggest of your troubles. No if you're pissing over something as venial as this, now would be an appropriate time to renounce your manliness permit. You're clearly not cut out for it.
Stay humble my friends.
When you call these people out, they'll more than likely retort with the following:
"Relax, we're just joking"
"You girls take everything so seriously"
"I don't actually think that you know"
"Lighten up"
But by god if your brittle minded feminine arse dares to make a joke at men's expense, you're greeted with such:
Don't say you've never seen such. Because I know you have.
Reverse sexism is pretty much another anti-feminist campaign to further powder MRAs' diapers and safeguard their precious fee-fees. The term just has no real meaning anymore, not like it ever did. It's just another deterrent of feminism so these "alpha male" douchebags can continue their misogynistic frat boy ways.
I distinctly remember deliberately trolling r/MensRights on Reddit for posting a meme about male rape. I was sent multiple death threats, got called a cunt an ample amount of times, and overall got the reaction I expected. Hilariously enough, there were plenty of memes and posts that were in earnest trying to preach that only women are to blame for being raped or abused. The reverse sexism card stems from the "double standards of humour". For example, take a photo like this:
You know what? You're right. I wouldn't like it. Why? Because you've taken so many jabs at misogyny and treated it like a joke, said things like "she's just begging to get raped with those clothes on", "women get paid less cuz they suck at working", "make me a sandwich cunt", and god knows what else. And now suddenly here you are demanding that we be "equal" all because you're the one on the receiving end of discrimination. That doesn't make you funny, it makes you a spineless little dipshit who can't take his lumps when they're beginning to bud.
PSA to all jokesters out there: if you're white, don't go around verbally bitch slapping women, minorities, and gays with your rude humour and then suddenly decide you don't find that kind of comedy funny when the tables turn. That's just disrespectful. I myself can handle some darker humour every now and then, hell I've even gotten some laughs out of some rape jokes. But one thing I will not stand for is if humour on an offenciveness basis only goes one way.
Now I could conclude it here, but there's one more thing I want to showcase. This was found on Twitter when #masculinitysofragile was making the rounds:
Yes people. Your eyes aren't playing tricks on you. These macho crass men here are legit in sexually oriental hell over the colour of a bloody iPhone model. Ignoring that you could just simply not buy the iPhone in that particular colour, I don't think homosexuality is the biggest of your troubles. No if you're pissing over something as venial as this, now would be an appropriate time to renounce your manliness permit. You're clearly not cut out for it.
Stay humble my friends.
Friday, September 9, 2016
White Rapist Privilege
Seems like I'm gonna make quite the entrance.
Hello general public and beyond. I am Kristal Colt, and welcome to my blog Age of Queens. It is a feminist blog that will talk about, well, feminism.
To start myself off, I want to address a rather pressing issue that really gets under my skin the more I hear about it. Today I'm talking about the Brock Turner situation. Sure I may be beating a dead horse here, but something new has developed that really makes everything a whole lot worse.
A story got out recently about another college athlete named Cory Batey who was just sentenced to 15 years in jail for the rape of an unconscious woman. Now his sentencing is well deserved, and we consider this a victory. But there's one thing about this situation that I can't get past: Cory Batey is black.
Now how is it Cory Batey, a black male college athlete, gets a proper jail sentence for raping an unconscious woman, yet Brock Turner, a white male college athlete, only gets 3 months for doing the same exact thing? You guessed it: white privilege.
Let me take a quick moment to break down what white privilege is before the mongrels of the Men's Rights Movement jump down my throat. White privilege doesn't mean that all whites will live perfect lives, that's a foolish thought. What white privilege means is whatever adversity a white individual, usually a male, encounters, that adversity won't be attributed to his skin colour. Brock is a shining example of this. He's got plenty of money (his dunce parents do anyway), is a white kid who goes to a rather prestigious university, and has athletic abilities. Brock is almost never referred to as a rapist or sexual predator, he is always called "Stanford swimmer", and that bothers me. It shows me that the media is so grossly biased in this current era that it will whitewash any immoral actions of anyone who fits the proverbial American Dream. I don't give a single fuck about Brock's future or life. He's a deplorable, vile, idiotic, and undeserving sludge ball who committed a heinous act that he doesn't regret in the least bit. No amount of high school photos is gonna phase me on that. He's a criminal, not a star athlete.
I think it's time I get personal for a second. In 2009, I met a guy who was a bit like Brock Turner, at least when it comes to be innocent looking. We became a couple that year and dated until 2011. The breakup was a little tragic, so to say. One year later in 2012, I encountered him again on one summer night in Rothwell (I'm from Leeds, UK for the record) and he claimed I didn't know what I was missing. When I told him to get over the fact that we'd broken up, he said it wasn't up to me. Then it happened. He grabbed me and pulled me to him. I tried breaking free but he threw me to the ground with such force that I almost got knocked out. Then he picked me up by my throat and threw me into a wall. I screamed for help, no one heard me. Then he unzipped his jeans, then he went for mine. That's when I changed the game. I went for my taser and used it on him until he went lights out, foaming out the mouth even. The moment was so intense for me that I completely burst into tears, reassuring myself the whole walk home that I had to do it.
I thought it was over, then a lawsuit came my way-the bastard was suing for me for assault. We counter-sued on the count that I was saving my own life. Instead going to prison, he only received 2 years probation and community service. My parents and I felt so cheated. To this day I still feel incredibly disappointed in the justice system for failing me. And it's even more frustrating that it still happens in 2016. Have we not evolved? Why do we still treat rape like it's just another form of sex?
Both mine and Emily Doe's rapists are white men. White men who didn't care for what they'd done to innocent women and acted as if they weren't that bad of people. White men who never received the proper consequences for their actions. We as women need to rise up and take to ourselves to make sure rapists get theirs. 93% of rapists in America alone are white males, and only 3% of rapists ever see jail time. We cannot afford to have more Brock Turners. It doesn't matter if he is white or black, rich or poor. You do the crime, you do the time.
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