Wednesday, May 10, 2017

4 Reasons I'm Not A Perfect Feminist

I usually like bigging myself up as this immaculate default setting of what a feminist is or what a feminist should be like. Truth is, I'm probably one of the worst feminists out there, which is fine since I didn't really become a feminist until 2 summers ago. I mostly examine my behaviour to make sure I'm really aiming for an egalitarian society where women won't continue to get the short end of the stick, but there are aspects that might contradict my goal but I've never remedied since they likely have little effect on my quest as a whole. I'm gonna list off 4 reasons that don't make me perfect. Who knows, maybe some of these apply to you.

1. I Like Women More Than Men

Ok, to be clear, I don't hate men. Some of my closest friends are men, I love my husband dearly and I don't know what I'd do without him, I don't think killing all men will solve all the world's problems (no matter how fun that sounds >:D). Sure, man-hating and the revocation of men's rights (not the MRM, I mean the actual rights men have) go against the idea of feminism, but plenty of feminists you've met probably do have an inherent personal bias towards women, and I'm one of them. It's not really anti-feminist to admit that really, especially since many anti-fems flat out admit that they like men more than women yet receive little to no criticism for it. But I generally feel safer around women, I trust them more, I do think we do things better than dudes, but that doesn't mean I won't stand up to injustices committed by women. Nonetheless, sisters gotta stick together dontcha know? Plus women do have more of a reason to not like men than men do for not liking women. Sorry fellas :( you're cool too though.

2. I'm Not Very Independent

Everyone knows that feminists are busy bodies who can handle anything that gets thrown their way right? Not true. I've done pretty well for myself. I have a well paying job, I'm a homeowner, I'm married to the love of my life, I miss no meals, and I'm pretty active. That said, I can also be pretty lazy. My husband prefers to cater to me on behalf of how hard I work during the week (and just because he loves me that much) and I kinda enjoy that more than I should. Don't worry, his favours don't go unnoticed and I let him know how grateful I am, but it feels a lot better to have someone make your food and keep your drinks ready for you when you want to unwind as opposed to having to do it all by myself and inconveniencing myself further. This isn't to say I don't do my share of housework. In addition to paying for pretty much all of our bills and such, I do a hefty amount of cleaning. My husband's presence cuts my workload almost in half. I'm not even factoring my Asperger's here either.

3. I Gender Things Too Much

Look, gender neutrality benefits the oppressor and no one else. So saying things like nail polish and dresses know no gender is dumb. I do refer to things like light beers and colourful juices as "girly drinks" because I don't care if they are. I want society to accept things that are considered feminine, not pretend they don't exist. Now this I actually think I should do something about, but as it stands, I won't be afraid to gender something if I think it's appropriate.

4. I Like Violent Video Games

Anita Sarkeesian's gonna kill me for this XD. You wouldn't know it, but I actually am a fan of games that are violent or have sexual themes. Hell my favourite game is The Witcher 3 despite my awareness of the sexist elements in it, such as Geralt being a womaniser. Thing is, violent video games are kind of an outlet for our frustrations, and plus killing monsters is a hell of a lot of fun. The way I see it, if no one's getting hurt, then have all the enjoyment you can from a game, even if the game in question is Grand Theft Auto. 

And those are the big reasons that don't make me a perfect feminist. And that's fine. Feminism isn't about perfection, it's about acceptance of women being humans deserving of basic rights. If any of these apply to you, then don't feel embarrassed or anything. Don't let anyone tell you you're less of a feminist or that you're the real oppressor because you're not this pristine complacent freedom fighter. As long as you're still fighting for the good of women's lives then you're as feminist as you need to be. 

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