As you recall, I am bisexual. I know I identified as "bi-romantic" before, but things have changed and I'm a full-fledged bisexual. But one thing that I'm sure spans across the board with all bisexuals is the killer urges we get to act on our bisexuality (note: I'm gonna be saying bisexual a lot here). For some, it's harder than others. Now for this reason, most bisexuals remain single so they don't have to worry about being hitched to a man but desperately want to have it off with a woman, or vice versa. But to those already married? You might find yourself in a pickle. You might pleasure yourself to pictures of models of the opposite sex, or you might boldly go where few are brave enough to travel. That's right, I'm talking about open relationships. Or at least more specifically, ones where you're dating both a male and female partner.
Now if there's one needlessly oversensationalised taboo, it's polyamory. You've got people saying it's practiced by rapey Muslims in the Middle East (they say as they go on to cheat on their wives with a new street walker every week), you've got people saying it's selfish and ruins the sanctity of marriage, which is incredibly laughable, or that if it gets legal then slippery slope and all that shit, and you've got these libfems thinking that polyamory is just a way for men to control women, which I honestly don't get the impression that that's the case. If anything, a man with multiple girlfriends is pretty much on thin ice XD.
Let's get one thing out of the way: Polyamory is one of the most wrongly attributed matrimonial/romantic practices out there. Why is that? Because stupid men use the banner of polyamory as a defence when they get outed as womanisers, or as an excuse so they can cheat on their wives. That's not what polyamory is. Having sex with new people whenever you feel like it is not polyamory. Polygamy is not polyamory, even though they are used interchangeably. Polygamy is multiple marriages whereas polyamory is just an open relationship. Polyamory is more meant for people with high sex drives or just aren't cut out for monogamous relationships, since honestly, being with the same person for all your life can get pretty tedious and often leads to divorces and bitter breakups. Not every bisexual person is polyamorous but the ones who are typically describe their experiences as positive. Marriage counselors have stated that bisexuals in open relationships usually are happier and their relationships last longer, which makes sense. However, not everyone's partner is ok with this and often times will lash out and accuse them of infidelity. As an alternative to polyamory, simple experimenting is also a recommended method to help bisexuals in monogamous relationships sate their desires to be with the opposite sex.
Just remember that you are not biphobic for not being comfortable with such a thing. Poly relationships are something that require immense levels of trust in order for them to prosper. What WOULD make you biphobic is hating your partner and saying "I should've known you bisexuals were sleaze bags". And if you do happen to be in a poly relationship and at one point you feel you prefer monogamy, you're free to stop at any time. Bisexual love doesn't have to be taboo. All that matters is doing what you're comfortable with.
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