Tuesday, January 23, 2018

When Women Grope Women "As A Joke"

Say it ain't so, a feminist actually criticising something women do? Well ok, it's not unheard of from me, I did after all lambast The Red Pill, which was directed by a woman. See I'm not ready to go on about how "females nowadays" are spoilt c*nts who think they can get away with anything they want, because I'll send anyone who says that all the way over to India, where your father can pay your arse off to marry a man who you won't meet until the engagement party. I'll send them back to before the 1920s when women couldn't vote. But one thing I've noticed is unique to this generation of women is that they think that sexual violence doesn't apply to them. They think that there's a loophole in sexual assault where if a woman gropes another woman, then it's fine cuz it's all in good fun. And I've noticed that it's slipped under many people's radars. Of course you have MRAs saying that lesbians are just the epicentre of abuse and rape, but they don't actually know or care what they're talking about. So how about a perspective from a half-lesbian ;D. 

Let's answer the initial question. Can women be sexual predators? Yes of course they can. I myself in fact get groped by females quite a lot myself. Of course, men do it more to me, but there are some ladies that tried getting a piece of my pie. Chances are, you're a woman who's been groped by another woman at some point. Naturally, we don't necessarily see this as serious as if a man were to do it to us, which is understandable. After all, the stats do say that men are much more of a threat to us than our own sisterhood. But let's disregard all that for a moment. The reality is, she touched you without your permission. But how did you react? You likely stayed silent, which is fine, there's no correct way to respond to being sexually violated. But if you went to call her out on what she did, she'd probably either play the woman card (which honestly is very unlikely) or she'll say "it's just a joke". But is it really though? Why is that a woman can grab another woman inappropriately and it's funny when that's not the case if a man grabs a woman inappropriately? Well, it's because we've been socialised that way. However if a woman was raped by another woman, she certainly wouldn't be in on the humour.

The main gist of what I wanna talk about is when straight women who are friends with each other grab each other's breasts and bums. Now, I can confirm that this happens, in fact it does in my circle of female friends too. This can be boiled down to some inherent trust amongst women. We're much safer around other women than we are around men, and as such we probably take advantage of this more than we should. Sometimes the playful butt-touches will become a hand straight in your crack because you happened to bend over in front of her. And yes, I've had that happen to me. But to be clear, it's ok if you, a straight woman, touch your female friend's butt. Just as long as it's, say it with me now, C O N S E N S U A L. Even if the consent is "implied", if at any point she's becoming visibly uncomfortable, or tells you to stop and you keep going, congratulations, you've committed sexual assault. You aren't joking around, you're hurting her. It doesn't automatically become "ok" if you're both straight women. Not to mention it just looks bad for women everywhere because when they go to report any assaults that they were involved in, people are just gonna be like "oh yeah? Well women grab each other all the time and no one cares". And I'm sure we can all agree how fucking annoying that is. Remember when Melanie Martinez was outed for raping a woman? I can't count the times on my hand that I saw someone say "women can't rape women".

To conclude this post, this idea that women can freely grope women as they please without an ounce of consent is just wrong. I can sort of understand if it's some kind of reclamation of our sexuality, but if becomes a regular habit and you start doing it to women you've never met before, then you're a predator, plain and simple. Just be chill. Women don't exist to be grabbed, and if there's anyone who should understand that better than anyone else, it's women. 

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