Friday, November 4, 2016

The Gender Science Behind Suicide

Guys, we need to talk. And I'm just letting you know right now that this is gonna be a very touchy subject. If the topic of suicide is far too much for you to handle, I wouldn't recommend continuing. 

So, suicide. Arguably the heaviest topic anyone could ever dip their feet into. But where exactly am I going with this? Well, I'm here to shed some light upon it and approach it a way that no one seems to know how: with grace and reason. You can probably already see where this is going. 

So suicide is one of the major talking points of men's groups and anti-feminists, and it's no longer even a talking point and more so a scare tactic to bully people into agreeing with them. For example, they typically say this "Oh you don't support the MRM? Then you probably enjoy men killing themselves". All they really do is just throw suicide in your face without actually knowing a bloody thing about it. This is a problem for many reasons, the obvious being that suicide, like all tragic events, is not to be used as propaganda for your bullshit campaign. By grossly misrepresenting it, you not only counter produce solutions to this problem, but you also paint a very skewed view of the world.

So what are the suicide facts? Well, it is true that males take up the majority of suicide fatalities whereas females are 3x more likely to attempt it. Now your typical Milo fanbrat would just stop there and/or attach some factually incorrect bollocks and trot away like he won the argument. Well kekaroni stew, I think some actual facts would help bolster your case and allow me to take you seriously, because there's more to it than "drink bleach faggot".

Whilst suicide is massively tragic, there is a bit of a silver lining. These men's groups have absolutely no idea what they're talking about. Yes, men kill themselves more. Here's the thing though, male suicide rates are most common amongst young male adults, to be specific, ages 18-25. After that, the rate of suicide amongst males drops off. Also, most men die of suicide at that point because they're not really gonna die of anything else. So now that we've educated ourselves, I'm sure you can feel yourself getting smarter and starting to feel as if you can tackle the issue better than you originally thought. But wait there's more. For females, suicide rates span across all ages, and that's a very unfortunate fact. This is down to a number of reasons. First let's take a look at their methods. Men's methods of suicide tend to be more lethal, such as shooting/hanging themselves or free falls off houses and buildings, i.e. wanting to end it as quickly as possible. Women use methods like cutting themselves and overdosage, leaving them more likely to survive attempts. Think of it this way, would you cut down a tree faster with a chainsaw or a hatchet? 

Next, let's look at the causes of suicide for each gender. Like I said, young men take up most suicide fatalities. But why though? Isn't your youth supposed to be all giddy and happy? Except, not really. It turns out, most young males who kill themselves are closet homosexuals, which I completely understand. They face high amounts of pressure wanting to be accepted instead of just being accepted for something they can't control. So this really comes down to the patriarchal ideology that men should just bottle up their problems because "showing weakness is for girls". Once we break that notion, male suicide could see the decrease it so yearns for. We women though, we got it a bit different. You see, women have a higher chance of contracting mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. And sad to say, female suicides have actually seen an alarming 16% uprise from this year alone. Their ages didn't discriminate either. Our help is gonna have to come from medical research and psychological assistance. This could also work for males contemplating suicide. Thing is, if you're gonna attach gender to suicide, it'd probably be a woman's issue due to not only our higher attempt rate, but how our primary reason for attempting is the fault of our own limbic system.

Let me get a little personal here. I've attempted suicide 4 times, thought about it far more. I've held razors in my hands intent on slitting my throat, tried OD'ing on over-the-counter pharmaceuticals, ate several times a day even if I wasn't hungry, anything to make sure my life would end. And yes, this was shortly after my attempted rape. Then within a short time span, my grandfather succumbed to stomach cancer. I couldn't take all the pain, and my parents noticed a bit late. I was sent to therapy to help get over my depression. I went to my sessions, took the anti-depressants, followed my therapist's advice, and now, I'm 4 years clean. I cry a bit more than what's good for me but hey, can't have everything can ya?

Suicide shouldn't be territory that we are feared into fighting to end. No amount of MRA whining is gonna help someone, be it a guy or girl, from taking their own lives. MRAs aren't interested in ending male suicide, they just want to trivialise it to continue their obnoxious never ending campaign to silence feminism. Paul Elam, founder of A Voice For Men, says he would rather spend more time silencing feminists than see any kind of societal progress dedicated to helping the men he cares oh so much about. Yet here I am, a feminist, giving an insightful analysis into suicide for both genders to help combat the issue better. There's always a reason to keep on living, let's make sure we can all find it, even when it seems impossible at times.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This really hits home with me.

    Many years ago, there was a girl that I met at a friend's house, and her and I got really acquainted, but a fight broke out between her and someone else, and i never got around to getting her number cuz she drove off before I could.

    Two weeks later, my boy told me she had committed suicide. Tore me up for over a year.
