Sunday, November 13, 2016

What To Expect From the Trump Administration

This election and its decision left me hollow, glacial levels of disgust. And I really didn't wanna come here to tell you that. I wanted to come here and celebrate Clinton's what seemed like inevitable victory. But instead, a clear fix in the votes followed by the advantage that the bigots that plague this country had proved otherwise. I can't stop worrying about this, and I know plenty others who can relate with me. But I think it's worth writing a post about it and try to assist you in these dark times.

Trump has made it quite clear how he stands on certain things like foreign policy and nuclear deals. He's a selfish entitled white (or orange) boy, yes boy, who only cares for the benefits of people who are like him, and even then that's a stretch. But what exactly will happen? Is the country bound for doom like we really anticipated? Maybe not. 

First, we have to remember what powers the President really holds. The President is merely an arbitrator for Congress and its several bureaus. We're under complete republican control now, so I can see the threat for miles. However, if we recall correctly, the republicans themselves have disowned Trump. Many of the orange doofus's plans are so batshit crazy that you'd have to be under evolved slime to actually pass them, even if you're republican. He also cannot reverse any executive order made by the Supreme Court or previous presidency. Doing so would be unconstitutional. 

Another thing Trump can't do is wage war. Congress may only do that, and they won't go to war if they understand the catastrophic results that could potentially occur. So Trump's megalomania with wanting to shoot the ones with Russia and North Korea are unlikely to be acquiesced. Besides, to attack Russia he'd first need to disarm the Russian weapons that ISIL and the Taliban are using to fight American troops ;). 

Now I'm sure you're all thinking when I'm gonna address the real problem here: his supporters. For anyone out of the loop, Trump's under-evolved specimens of so-called humanity (big words FTW) have already begun their pogroms on minorities as some sort of indoctrination into the new age. College students have even begun giving "safe zones" with dog counseling and swear to God, colouring books. Imagine that, a room full of adults, many in their 20s, entertaining themselves with things that I'd used when I thought that sparkly pink tennis shoes were the shit. 

Like what the actual fuck. Do you really think this will solve anything? Must we revert to childhood to cope with an election? Oh who am I kidding? This country's president and vice president are undereducated man babies so what difference does it impose? 

It's one thing if this seriously gets under your skin for reasons beyond disappointment. I myself have had patients call me up for appointments wanting me to help them get over emotional stress over Trump's election (I'm a counselor btw). But you see, they're adults, and I treated them as such. When adults face trouble that they can't deal with, they need a shoulder to lean on. And if college students really need some sort of stress relief, let them sit in a room and talk amongst themselves with books to read or art supplies so they can release their feelings onto a canvas. For the record, being an adult isn't the same as just taking it up the arse when you're in emotional turmoil. But Jesus fuck people, show some dignity. 

I can't really provide safety precautions if you're a minority living in a pro-Trump state. However, I'll make it as simple as possible. If you see an immigrant, welcome them to your neighborhood. If you see a refugee, inform them of the benefits they should apply for. If you see a black person, step in if they're challenged for their race. If you see a non-straight, treat them as if they're normal. If you see a woman, make sure she's safe. The main beneficiaries of the Trump administration will be white straight males with a decent size wallet. If you happen to be a privileged male, that's totally fine. Be the change society needs to see. You needn't worry about yourselves, but extend your sympathies with those who do require aid. It's gonna be a long 4 years, let's at least make something count. 

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