Monday, July 9, 2018

Feminists Are Allowed to Hate Men

Oh boy, it was only a matter of time before I addressed this topic in particular. What was it I said in a previous blog post from last year?

"I don't hate men"

Oops, looks like we all make mistakes XD. 

So as it turns out, after seeing the horrors of male rapists getting absolutely ludicrous punishments, or lack thereof, for some of the most vile rapes ever set before my eyes, men who rape and beat women run for office and come close to winning elections, and anything incels have ever fucking done, let it be known that the misandry flows through me and vitalises me like no other stimulant. Let it also be known that whilst I do currently have distaste for men as a whole, I'm more than just a simple-minded hater. There are men I like besides my husband, and I do appreciate having male allies around. That said, I'm not gonna pull any punches here. For any good men out there reading this, this likely won't apply to you, but if you do get offended, you might not be as good as you think. 

So what caused me to finally talk about man-hating feminists? To be completely blunt, I am at my wit's end with these "cool feminists" who are too afraid to piss men off to get their point across, how the system is the problem and not men, even though men created the system that kills women and men alike with toxic gender roles and violent abuse. Plus, why the fuck can't women hate men? How many men have actually died at the hands of misandry? I mean actually died as a result of socially integrated man-hatred, not just MRAs blaming men's deaths on feminism. I'll give you a hint, the answer is 0. Even the most patient of feminists admit that they are fed up with men's shit. The kill count of misogyny is kilometres long and there's not enough days in a year for me to go down that list right now. 

The idea of hating your oppressor is one that I'm very fond of, because having negative feelings against a person or group of people who've wronged you for so long is a natural thing to do. Then there's the phrase "don't fight hate with hate", which is basically a gaslighting technique at this point. It makes it as if taking any sort of harsh action against an oppressor suddenly brings you down to their level. That's like saying stopping home invaders with force makes you the real criminal. It doesn't work that way, and being too nice in these times where human rights are up for debate (somehow) is what got us into this mess. A woman saying she hates men isn't comparable to a whole nation hating women so much that they'll elect a man who's been accused of sexual violence by many women (speaking of that, notice how all the people saying Hillary defends rapists suddenly cried about Trump supposedly being falsely accused of rape. I think we found out who's really on the side of rapists) just to show them what for. I want you to think about the most radical man-hating lesbian feminist you know. Have you ever heard one say raping and abusing men should be legal? How about them saying husbands are property of their wives? I bet you haven't, but you'll see many men saying these things about women (hey incels, it's been a while hasn't it?), and the men who think and say these things are sitting down proposing them as laws right now. Misogyny is a threat at large here in the states. Misandry isn't. 

But really, the over-obsession of feminists hating men, as if that's the worst thing anyone can do, is not unheard of or at least it's not like I don't see why that's the case. Since society was even a thing, humans have overvalued men even when it wasn't earned, and it still persists today. Men's behaviour is always backed by some pitiful excuse. The whole "boys will be boys" mantra refuses to fizzle out meanwhile girls are policed for every little thing they do. So if males are allowed to just roam freely and be nigh-immune from consequence, why are females expected to just go with it and kiss arse just to be accepted as people? Like I said before, this whole "fighting hate with hate" rhetoric is a form of suppression. It implies that any resistance or force against the enemy makes you as bad as them. You might as well say whoever kills Hitler is the new Hitler, or that the Marine raiders who killed Nazis in WW2 were the real Nazis for "continuing the cycle of violence", which I also think is pretty problematic on its own but that's a story for another time. 

The point I'm trying to get at beyond my constant off-topic proximation is that if you're willing to concede that people have the right to feel angry that a certain group of people dealt them a shitty hand for an extended period of time, why should feminists, and by extension women, be the ones you police? Because you happen to belong to the group they hate? That's not an excuse. When gross misogynist men commit acts of violence, people are lightning fast to blame the woman for "not giving him a chance" and find it reasonable for men to hate women based on the principle that "bitches be crazy", but women can't hate men for all the abuse and torment they've received at their hands? But sure, bring up equality when it suits men, I'm sure you'll sound smart eventually. One more thing before I let you go, typically when you learn someone hates you, you tend to wanna find out why or get them to not hate you. I think men should consider following that dynamic if they're so concerned about "misandry". 

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